Thursday, February 17, 2011


early in the morning my hp ringing

owh!its bou buii the morning msg

to tired d forget to reply><

sry dear ❤

dear go school jor

take my breakfast at 10 am

             ROTI SARDIN xD

bath n ntg to do><

dreaming my dear bou buii ❤

5pm my hp ringing jor =]

msg from dear [bk jor...]

my dear cum bk d xD

happy happy^^

suddenly dear ask sum question scared dou me><

she than say juz joking ny


at nite go watch movie wif family xD

bou buii thking how to make a water resistance bag..

thk til 脸忧忧><

c jor heart pain =[

bao bei say wil help her thk

bou buii smile bk jor=]

bou buii say wan belanja bao bei makan-->sandwich


tak tau bila

around 10.05 pm my dear bou buii oioi jor

so miss her ><


爱死你了啦 哈哈xD

looking at the clock its 00.44 pm jor

owh so late d><

got to meet my BOUBUII in dream d xD

good bye & good nite all

mwakss!! for my dear gehxD

hope her feel dou n sweet sweet de smile in heart

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