Monday, February 14, 2011

1st day blogging ♥


i,celebrate my dear bou buii b day wif her jimui^^

11am meet at jetty

check in gogo room8 =]

celebrating b day inside

singing,chatting,eating cake n kiss kiss 

hope bou buii wil like the surprising present tat giving to bou buii xD

we goin for movie<mr. n mrs. incredible>=]

nice movie and we mwak mwak inside 

we than go for basketball machine

after tat bou buii bk jor><

i,continue wait bou buii for 2hr 30 min

cz noe tat bou buii wil come agn wif family for movie

juz for the las 5 min meet each other

las 5 min..we hug hug n kis kis 

after tat i bk home lur><

so miss my dear  


have a nice n sweet day tat day xD

i lub u,annie 


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